Planning an Eco-friendly Event: Building and Waste Management


Did you know that a conference attendee consumes 3 times more waste than in their daily life? In your efforts to make your event more sustainable, the management of residual materials should be at the top of your priorities.

How to Manage Residual Materials During an Event

Encourage efforts to reduce waste at the source and prioritize the recovery of residual materials.

Our teams will be able to assist you in this process because, for all of its activities, the Québec City Convention Centre aims to recover at least 80% of the residual materials produced for each event. Our green building has a proven, standardized collection system for residual and compostable materials that has been integrated into daily routines since 2001. Numerous multimaterial recycling stations are installed in strategic locations throughout the Convention Centre.

Tips and tricks

  • Plan a team of volunteers for better waste management.

It’s not only residual materials that are managed wisely at the Québec City Convention Centre. Energy, air and water are also effectively managed!

  • An operational control system measures the temperature in real time and modulates the energy needs according to the traffic and the needs of the customers (Honeywell EBI).
  • The Convention Centre’s lighting is energy-efficient, and the fixtures are mercury-free (LED bulbs use 75% less energy).
  • Better air quality is ensured by ventilation units with high-efficiency filters and 10 to 12 air changes per hour in the rooms.
  • The drinking water comes directly from the Québec City network (water fountains connected to the aqueduct network and equipped with efficient filters).

Québec City Convention Centre is a leader in eco-friendly certifications:

  • LEED® Canada-CI (Commercial Interiors), Gold level
  • S. Green Building Council LEED-BE (existing building), Silver level
  • BOMA BEST, Level 3
  • Biosphere

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