Université Laval Researcher Sylvain Moineau confirms CRISPR Congress will be held in Québec City

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Québec City has been selected to host the 13th Annual International CRISPR Congress, which will take place June 17–19, 2019, at the Québec City Convention Centre. The conference was first held in 2008 and is the largest international conference on CRISPR-Cas systems and their applications. After the U.S., Netherlands, Scotland, Germany, Israel, and Lithuania, it is Québec City’s turn to welcome these leading CRISPR-Cas experts. This is the first time the conference will be held in Canada.

The CRISPR conference brings together researchers from all over the world to attend numerous talks on the latest discoveries and applications for CRISPR-Cas systems. The conference provides an excellent opportunity to share information on CRISPR technologies and foster international collaboration.

Québec City’s bid was championed by Sylvain Moineau, a full professor in Université Laval’s Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Bioinformatics at the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering and a researcher at the Faculty of Dentistry. Professor Moineau also holds the Canada Research Chair in bacteriophages and curates the largest public collection of bacterial viruses in the world.

Sylvain Moineau, researcher at Université Laval and member of Québec City Ambassador' Club.
Sylvain Moineau, researcher at Université Laval and member of Québec City Ambassador’ Club.
Sylvain Moineau at work in his laboratory.
Sylvain Moineau at work in his laboratory.
Jocelyn Guertin, Sales Manager, Québec City Convention Centre
Jocelyn Guertin, Sales Manager, Québec City Convention Centre

Denise Tremblay, a research professional at Université Laval, and University of Toronto professors Alan R. Davidson (Dept. of Molecular Genetics & Dept. of Biochemistry) and Karen Maxwell (Dept. of Biochemistry) will work together to organize this landmark conference for the Québec City area.

Since the role CRISPR-Cas systems play in bacteria was discovered in 2007, they have been thoroughly studied, and in 2012 a powerful tool was developed capable of editing the genomes of a multitude of organisms with unprecedented precision, revolutionizing the field of biological research.

Winning the bid to hold this international conference in Québec City is a testament to the excellent reputation Université Laval and its researchers have on the world stage. Sylvain Moineau can now add proud ambassador for the Québec City conference to his list of professional and research accomplishments.

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