In 2024, the Québec City Convention Centre gave 3 grants totalling $15,664 to Université Laval philanthropic funds.
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Québec City will host the 6th Colloque international de langue française sur le TDAH. Some 1,000 experts in attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity (ADHD) from French-speaking countries all over the world will gather at the Québec City Convention Centre May 19–21, 2020.
Annick Vincent, internationally acclaimed specialist in ADHD from Clinique FOCUS, is responsible for bringing the psychiatric conference to Québec City. In 2016, during the 4th edition in Brussels, Dr. Vincent convinced the international organizing committee to hold the 2020 symposium in Québec City. This will be the second time Québec City welcomes the event—it played host for the first time in 2012.
Clinique FOCUS and Fédération des médecins omnipraticiens du Québec (FMOQ) will partner up once again for the 6th edition of the symposium. They will offer a dynamic, interprofessional program of events that will be open to health and education professionals, as well as members of the general public who are interested in ADHD. Participants will hear from guest speakers from many countries including Belgium, Switzerland, Tunisia and the United States, and will have the opportunity to converse on a variety of topics linked to ADHD and other related issues.
In collaboration with FMOQ, Dr. Vincent and Clinique FOCUS team have produced numerous activities and knowledge transfer tools including:
A series of articles entitled Focus sur le TDAH, in the August 2013 edition of the journal Le Médecin du Québec.
The coorganization of “TDAH Tous Azimuts,” a symposium that attracted more than 850 participants at the Québec City Convention Centre in May 2016.
In 2024, the Québec City Convention Centre gave 3 grants totalling $15,664 to Université Laval philanthropic funds.
The 72 events on the calendar for fall season 2024 are expected to generate over $34.4 million in economic spin-offs for the Québec City region.
In June 2024, the Québec City Convention Centre welcomes the 19th edition of the Network Science Society's international conference: NetSci 2024.