In 2024, the Québec City Convention Centre gave 3 grants totalling $15,664 to Université Laval philanthropic funds.
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Two open-to-the-public shows, the Salon international des vins et spiritueux de Québec et Expo Manger Santé et Vivre Vert, will be held at the Québec City Convention Centre in March.
The Salon international des vins et spiritueux de Québec (international wine and spirits show) is 100% dedicated to the wine and spirits lovers. Held from March 13 to 15, the show features 75 exhibitors offering wine, whiskies, champagne, cheeses, ciders, beers and cocktails. In total, 1,500 products will be available for tasting and more than 50 activites will be offered at no extra cost.
For the first time, numerous international wine regions will be present on site. In total, 30 coutnries will be at the Convention Centre for the event.
Tickets available in pre-sale at $12 ($15 regular rate). Tickets available at SAQ stores and online at www.salondesvinsdequebec.com.
Expo Manger Santé et Vivre Vert 2015 (health food and lifestyle show) will be held March 28 and 29, 2015 at the Québec City Convention Centre. This open-to-the-public is centered on the importance of quality food and healthy lifestyle choices. Exhibitors, renowned speakers, contests and more than 80 conferences are on the program.
Tickets on sale on day of event.
General admission: $13
Students: $11
65 years old and over : $11
16 years old and younger: Free
In 2024, the Québec City Convention Centre gave 3 grants totalling $15,664 to Université Laval philanthropic funds.
The 72 events on the calendar for fall season 2024 are expected to generate over $34.4 million in economic spin-offs for the Québec City region.
In June 2024, the Québec City Convention Centre welcomes the 19th edition of the Network Science Society's international conference: NetSci 2024.