The Québec City Convention Centre is proud to have supported the 3 Things for Canada initiative by taking part in 3 acts of community service in 2017. The Centre’s team has helped to reach the overall objective of 100 million things, whether large or small, as part of Canada’s 150th birthday celebrations. This very simple idea, launched by the mayor of Calgary to encourage his fellow citizens to do three things to improve their city, has snowballed in organizations and municipalities across Canada.
Here is what the Québec City Convention Centre team did to give back to the community:

Thing #1
May 2017
The team held a fundraising campaign for the victims of the spring flooding that affected Québec. A total of $2680 was donated to the Red Cross’ Spring Flood Appeal
Thing #2
October 2017
The team also harvested vegetables and herbs on Promenade Desjardins at the Québec City Convention Centre. This food was donated to Le Pignon Bleu, a multiservice community organization that works with children aged 0 to 12 years, families and unemployed persons in Québec City.

Thing #3
November 11, 2017
The team collected toys for the 16th edition of the Parade des jouets de Québec, a traditional toy parade in downtown Québec City.
Bonus thing
November 23, 2017
The heat organized a free reception, hosted by the Québec City Convention Centre, to thank some 200 external volunteers who gave their time for Noël des enfants, a fundraising campaign to help underprivileged children in the Québec City region.