International Conference on Polyphenols and Health at the Québec City Convention Centre

Destination and Attractions Event Ambassadors

Mr. Yves Desjardins, researcher at INAF and one of Québec City’s convention and event ambassadors, is the man behind bringing the International Conference on Polyphenols and Health to Québec City. Mr. Desjardins is a prolific convention ambassador as he is also behind the 8th International Strawberry Symposium.

It is the first time in 10 years that this international event will be held in North America. Québec City is the designated city for this first. More than 500 delegates and world-renowned speakers in the field of nutrition and functional foods will meet at the Québec City Convention Centre October 3 to 6, 2017.

Polyphenols, powerful antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables as well as wine and chocolate, have many vertues and play an important role in protecting health and battling chronic diseases. 

Mr. Desjardins, is a professor and researcher at the Institute of nutrition and functional foods (INAF) at Université Laval. His colleague, André Marette, also a reasearcher at INAF and at Québec Heart and Lung Institute (Université Laval), will collaborate in organizing the prestigious event. 

About INAF

INAF has put together the largest team of Canadian researchers dedicated to understanding the complex relationships between foods, food components, nutrition and health, and the role they play in prevention of chronic diseases. INAF puts science at the service of nutrition to fulfill its mission and ensure its actions lead to concrete and durable results that benefit the population’s health and the bio-food sector.

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