Dr. Luc Vallières: At the helm of the 2023 International Congress of Neuroimmunology in Québec City

Event Ambassadors Key Industries

From August 20 to 24, 2023, the Québec City Convention Centre will host the 16th edition of the International Congress of Neuroimmunology, organized by the International Society of Neuroimmunology (ISNI 2023).

The involvement and commitment of Dr. Luc Vallières, president of the organizing committee, are behind this event being held in Québec City. A Full Professor in molecular medicine at Université Laval and a Researcher at the CHU de Québec Research Centre, Dr. Vallières has been making important contributions to the field of neuroimmunology for over 20 years. His research has led to an international patent for the first drug that specifically calms the neutrophil, an immune cell that is normally beneficial but is involved in many inflammatory diseases.

As a member of the Québec City’s Ambassadors’ Club since 2016, Dr. Vallières took advantage of the support and resources offered by this one-stop consulting service to successfully attract the 2023 ISNI conference to Québec City. In addition to advancing knowledge and technology in the field of neuroimmunology and life sciences, this international conference represents tremendous economic spinoffs for the region and the city’s reputation.

More than 800 scientists and researchers are expected to attend

This 16th edition of the ISNI International Congress will focus on the latest fundamental, clinical and technological advances in neuroimmunology. Through plenary sessions, topic-specific symposia and various workshops, participants will discuss various topics, including neuro-immune diseases, neurodegenerative disorders involving inflammatory processes, strokes and more.

A network of ambassadors that promotes Québec City and its key industries

Each year, Québec City’s Ambassadors’ Club welcomes new members, such as Dr. Vallières, who, in addition to their professional and research duties, use their network of contacts to convince the decision-makers of their associations to choose Québec City as the destination for their next conferences.

The Ambassadors’ Club supports its members throughout the organization and management of North American and international events, from preparing a bid book to the event itself and beyond.

Contact us

Would you like to attract and plan a convention or event in Québec City? Would you like to shine in your community and become an ambassador? Be THE person of influence behind the arrival of an international convention in Québec City and learn more about the help our team can offer you!

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