Waste Management
When organizing the delivery of your equipment and installing your booth, think about alternatives that will help you reduce your waste at the source, whether in the choice of packaging for your equipment and products or in the promotional items that you distribute at your booth.
During your event’s set-up and tear-down stages, our team installs collection stations to facilitate packaging, cardboard and plastic management, and multi-material waste sorting stations throughout the Centre to help you easily sort all your waste materials (including composting).
Rooms Equipped With Water Fountains
To reduce the use of single-use plastic bottles, we invite you to bring your water bottle or any other reusable container that you can easily fill at one of our many water fountains located in the Convention Centre’s public areas and meeting rooms.

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All water fountains installed since the opening in the Centre’s public spaces are being replaced with contact-free fountains that facilitate the filling of water bottles.

Québec City Convention Centre won the Platinum category of the GHG Target Achievement Award, a significant distinction.

Discover the policies and action plans deployed over the years to guide the Quebec City Convention Centre’s sustainable commitment.