Behind the Scenes of the Imagine Picasso Exhibition in Québec City

Case Studies Events

Beginning on June 15, 2021, the North American premiere of Imagine Picasso will be presented at the Québec City Convention Centre. Visitors will be able to admire the work of Spanish painter Pablo Picasso through a very original experience. An immersive, playful and dazzling multimedia exhibition will allow visitors to admire 230 works by the artist, which will be projected on the walls, the floor and the giant origamis set up in the exhibition hall. After immersing more than 75,000 visitors into the work of Vincent Van Gogh during summer 2020, creators Annabelle Mauger and Julien Baron are returning to present Picasso with a doubly-impressive set-up at the Québec City Convention Centre.

Exhibition Setup
Photo: lililillilil-Administration-Picasso-2021
Exhibition Setup

Preparing for an impressive exhibition

There is a colossal amount of work that went into making this event. The planning and assembly of this imposing set-up required many hours for the Convention Centre team, including over 200 hours of work by professional riggers. The layout is even more spectacular thanks to the volume of the 40-foot-high exhibition hall. Thanks to the Convention Centre’s virtuosos, the light bridges, the 83 video projectors as well as the giant structural elements were installed and secured in the 2,700 m2 space reserved for the event.

A turnkey technical production offering

The Québec City Convention Centre sets itself apart with its technical production and turnkey hanging services offering, which brings the most unique and complex venue assemblies to life, such as Imagine Picasso, among others. The Centre’s multifunctional rooms provide a world of rigging and hanging possibilities to support events and shows of all kinds. In addition, you can rent the equipment on site, including installation, and above all, take advantage of the expertise of the technical production team and its riggers.

Fluid and safe traffic flow

In terms of health safety, the Québec City Convention Centre is the best place to hold an event, including an exhibition on the scale of Imagine Picasso, which will attract thousands of visitors. Visitors to the  Imagine Van Gogh exhibtion in the summer of 2020 testified to having enjoyed a 100% safe experience, and the Convention Centre’s team has designed and set-up a fluid layout in the 2 educational and immersive areas, which can accommodate up to 100 visitors each. The health measures in place, the ventilation optimized through 12 air exchanges per hour and the team’s supervision contribute to visitor safety during all stages of their artistic journey, from arrival to departure!

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