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10 résultats

Privacy Policy Page
Read more on the Convention Centre’s online privacy policy and protection of personal data.
Enjoy Your Badge Program Page
Enjoy discounts and exclusive offers at restaurants, attractions and entertainment during your next event in Québec City.
Web Accessibility Page
This institutional website has been developed according to the Standard sur l’accessibilité des sites […]
Loading Docks Page
Learn more on the Convention Centre’s loading docks and see the map of the areas to better plan your exhibition and material delivery.
Getting Here Page
Read all the information to get to the Convention Centre, park nearby and use public transit.
History Page
Explore the history of the Québec City Convention Centre, its important dates and moments since its opening in 1996.
Tasty Cocktail and Mocktail Recipe Blog
As such, our F&B team has developed some amazing recipes. Pierre Bellefleur, maître d’hôtel, shares an exclusive and quite tasty cocktail and mocktail recipe.