The news was confirmed by AIPU international board chairperson Christelle Lison, who is also an associate professor at Université de Sherbrooke.
“Between the strong proposal, the active engagement, and the level of planning we’ve seen already, we expect the 31st AIPU conference to be a resounding success,” she said.

The bid was submitted in May 2018 during this year’s AIPU conference in Cotonou, in the West African country of Benin, by Louise Careau, director of the Université Laval Student Assistance Centre, at the request of the event’s ambassador, Steve Vachon, assistant director for pedagogical development at Université Laval’s Teaching Support Office. The support and guidance provided by Jocelyn Guertin, Sales Manager for the international market at the Québec City Convention Centre, greatly facilitated the process.
A dynamic committee has already begun work organizing this event. It is headed by Didier Paquelin,Ce lien s'ouvrira dans une nouvelle fenêtre who holds the Leadership Chair in Higher Education Pedagogy at Université Laval, and includes members from Université Laval and other Québec universities. Some of the same people on this team previously organized the 2014 Conference of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
Building on the themes of past AIPU conferences, the 2020 edition will ask attendees to consider the question of relevance and to look ahead to the future of education in institutions of higher learning.
Founded in 1980, AIPU is a network of practitioners and researchers in higher education pedagogy, with local chapters in a number of countries. It works to promote global exchange in the field and holds an international conference every two years.