“The world-renowned expertise of Université Laval’s optics-photonics researchers and their influential leadership within their respective research communities played a big part in attracting these five conferences to Québec City. What’s more, hosting these meetings right here in our city will give many of our students a chance to attend presentations by top authorities in the field. These are outstanding learning opportunities for a new generation of scientists in a high-demand field.”
Professor Réal Vallée, COPL director
“I would like to salute the work and significant contribution of Université Laval researchers in obtaining these optics-photonics conferences. Québec City owes its ranking as 4th most popular conference destination in Canada to researchers from UL and local research centers who choose to become conference ambassadors. These men and women help raise Québec City’s international profile and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in a number of driving sectors.”
Pierre-Michel Bouchard, president and CEO of the Québec City Convention Centre
Five optics-photonics conferences for Québec City
- ISNOG (International Symposium on Non-Oxide and New Optical Glasses) – June 2018
- WIO (Workshop on Information Optics) – July 2018
- Photonics North 2019 – May 2019
- ETOP (Education and Training in Optics and Photonics) – May 2019
- A04ELT6 (Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes) – June 2019
ISNOG 2018
June 17 to 21, 2018
The International Symposium on Non-Oxide and New Optical Glasses (ISNOG) will bring together scientists from around the world interested in recent developments in non-oxide glass materials, cutting-edge research and global trends in non-oxide glasses, and new optical lenses.
Conference Ambassador: Younès Messaddeq is a professor in the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Université Laval and holds the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Photonic Innovation in the field of information and communications.

WIO (Workshop on Information Optics) 2018
July 16 to 19, 2018
The 17th edition of the Workshop on Information Optics (WIO) will bring together scientists in the fields of advanced imaging, 3D screens, and biophotonics.
Conference Ambassadors:
Simon Thibault is a professor in the Department of Physics, Engineering Physics and Optics at Université Laval, a member of COPL, and holder of the NSERC Industrial Chair in Optical Design. He heads the Optical Engineering Research Laboratory (LRIO) at Université Laval and is a Fellow of the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE), a major society that holds more than 25 events annually.
Dr Pierre Marquet, psychiatrist and engineering physicist, is a full professor in the Faculty of Medicine at Université Laval and holds the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Neurophotonics. He is internationally recognized for his research in the field of digital holographic microscopy.
Photonics North 2019
May 21 to 23, 2019
The Photonics North Conference, organized by Photons Canada, the Canadian Industry Photonics Consortium (CPIC), will be held for a third time at the Québec City Convention Centre. This annual conference on optics-photonics technologies will bring together some 500 researchers and representatives from the research, government, and industry communities.
Conference Ambassador: Réal Vallée, Director of the Center for Optics, Photonics and Lasers (COPL) and holder of the NSERC-Coractive-TeraXion-LaserAX-TLCL Industrial Research Chair in photonic components and devices realized by femtosecond photo inscription.

ETOP (Education and Training in Optics and Photonics) 2019
y 22 to 24, 2019
The biennial Conference on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics (ETOP) will bring together educators from around the world to share information on practices in optical education at all levels to meet the growing demands of research, science, and industry. Québec City is the second Canadian city to host the event, since the 10th conference held in Ottawa in 2007.
Conference Ambassador: Anne-Sophie Poulin-Girard is a research professional at the NSERC Industrial Chair in Optical Design at COPL and chair of the Education Committee of the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE).

A04ELT6 (Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes)
June 10 to 14, 2019
The 6th Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes Congress (A04ELT6) will bring together nearly 400 specialists in Québec City to discuss the latest developments in this field, which is related to astronomy and space exploration. Past congresses have been held in Paris (2009), Victoria (2011), Florence (2013), California (2015) and Tenerife (2017).
ference Ambassador: Simon Thibault is a professor in the Department of Physics, Engineering Physics and Optics at Université Laval, a member of COPL, and holder of the NSERC Industrial Chair in Optical Design. He heads the Optical Engineering research lab (LRIO) at Université Laval and is a Fellow of SPIE. His expertise in optical design and testing is unique in Canada. He has designed and built over 200 optical systems ranging from astronomical space optics to miniature mobile phone camera modules and medical endoscopes. He was involved in the SITELLE (giant telescope in Hawaii) and SPIRou (infrared spectrograph to detect planets) projects.
Key figures on optics-photonics in Québec City
- 80% of Québec’s optics-photonics expertise is in the Québec City region.
- The city is home to 10 research chairs, 8 research groups, and 5 major research centers.
- 85% of the light-based technologies developed by Québec City’s 40 or so optics-photonics companies are exported.
(Source: Québec International)
About COPL
The Center for Optics, Photonics and Lasers (COPL), based at Université Laval, is a multidisciplinary and multi-institutional grouping of some forty research professors and more than 250 graduate students in eight Québec universities.
About the Ambassadors’ Club
A one-stop consulting service, the Québec City Ambassadors’ Club assists and supports local experts and leaders in their efforts to organize North American and international congresses in Québec City. It is based on a regional partnership between the Québec City Convention Centre, Québec City Tourism, the city’s chamber of commerce and industry, Québec International, and Jean Lesage International Airport.